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Nearing completion.
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2002 Ford Mustang
A newer spin on a classic muscle car!
I am a Pontiac man myself, but this car is the favorite of many of my friends and customers. The owner of this car recalled seeing some pretty tricked out Mustangs as a child, so this car was her dream come true.

My Own Unicorn
Michael's Firebird! 17 years in the making!
If you believe it looks like not much has been accomplished in 17 years, you would be right. This car was my childhood dream. My father had an engine built and gave me the responsibility of getting it painted, with his advice of course. I began disassembling this car when I was 17. Then ignored dad's advice to strip the paint to bare steel. Did it my way and found that all the work I had performed needed to be redone. Now that I have learned a thing or two, this "Unicorn" of mine will no longer be a mythical creature, but a reality!

Almost ready for body filler.