2013 Dodge Dart
This vehicle was involved in a collision with a deer. At first glance the damage was not obvious. But as we investigated further we found the damage to be much greater than initially inspected.
What a fun car to work on. The color was gorgeous, the engine was powerful and the interior looked like they advertise "Space-aged". Although lthe new design presented challenges we were unfamiliar with, it was a good experience and refreshing to see an old favorite revitalized with all the modern accessories. As with most vehicles we work on, this was an insurance job. I assumed we would have little resistance getting the parts from the manufacturer. But even on a vehicle this new we had issues getting the damage addressed as it required. If you have to deal with the insurance companies you will always have to fight for what is right to get the job done well.
Title. BbBBPreliminary Damageme.

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